The North Wales Amateur Radio Group was Formed in December 2019 . Our motto is “RF, Radio & Friendship”.
The Club meets every Monday (except bank holidays ) at our very spacious club. Venue details can be found via the Club Location tab on the top of the page.
We also have weekly nets on GB3OR 430.8375Mhz with a 7.6Mhz + shift starting 8pm every sunday evening all are welcome.
We hold regular talks, events ,radio nights and recently held north wales first radio rally/junk sale in 10 years this was a huge success. Alongside this we have RSGB affiliation status and have helped a large number of newcomers through the exams and study.
We currently have over 80 members and even have members who live the other side of the country and enjoy keeping up to date via our social media and online events to.
NWARG Proudly Supports the LLandudno Repeater Group which maintains and runs 3 Repeaters locally GB3OR (70CM) & GB3OG (2 METRE) & the new 70cm DMR Repeater GB3OD.